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Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by Ed Joven
The Amazing Health Benefits of Carrots
Top 10 Health Benefits of Carrots - Carrots are considered as one of the ultimate foods. This is according to health experts. As we all know, carrots are full of nutrients. These also contain vitamins A, C, K and B8, along with folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, copper, manganese and iron. The high beta-carotene including fiber content make most of the health benefits of carrots.
In fact, carrots can be eaten raw or cooked and always available. In salads, soups, snack, desserts and side dishes, carrots are perfect.
Here are some of the benefits carrots can offer.
1] Carrots Helps to Improve Vision
This is the first benefit carrots offer. It provides healthy vision. Actually, this is due to high amount of Vitamin A that improves the eyesight. The beta-carotene found in carrots helps protect eyes against macular degeneration. This prevents age-related cataracts and glaucoma.
It is best that as early as now, you start eating carrots to prevent vision related problems.
2] Carrots can Prevent Cancer
Anti-cancer effects are another important health benefit that carrots provide. It has carotenoid antioxidant power that aids decrease free radicals in the human body. The immunity power to fight against cancer is also improved by carrots. Polyacetylenes, example of phytonutrients present in carrots which prevent cancer growth. In most studies, drinking one and one-half cups of carrot juice daily for a few weeks gives significant positive effects.
Also, consistent consumption of carrots has been revealed to decrease the possibility of colorectal, lung and prostate cancers.
3] Carrots help Fights Cardiovascular Diseases
When it comes to persons with heart problems and blood pressure, carrots can also be beneficial. Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lutein are antioxidants that fight cholesterol and also help lessen the threat of a heart attack which are all present in carrots.
When it comes to tension in your blood vessels and arteries, carrots provide potassium that helps upgrade blood flow and circulation and decrease stress on the cardiovascular system.
So when you experience stress, anxiety or high blood pressure, just eat carrots.
4] Improves Oral Health
Talking about overall oral health, carrots are extremely good. The plaques and food particles are being scraped when carrots are eaten raw. The crunchiness the vegetable offers helps to clean gums and teeth.
Additional to this, when it comes to the production of saliva, carrots help to balance out the acidity and bacteria in the mouth. This in turn prevents cavities. It also helps to fight halitosis and many other oral health problems.
So, chew carrots to preserve your teeth as healthy and strong for ages.
5] Carrots Protects the Liver
The liver as we all know is very prone to the toxic effects of environmental chemicals. Thus, carrots which is a high source of Vitamin A help protect the liver by flushing out these toxins. The bile and fat deposit in the liver are also reduced. Waste elimination is facilitated by the soluble fiber in carrots in the liver and colon.
The inflammation and infection of the liver, which leads to diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis and cholestasis are prevented by eating carrots.
6] Maintains Healthy Skin
You want to have a healthy skin? No doubt that when it comes to antioxidants, eating carrots regularly is being raised. Repairing damaged skin tissue and protecting skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays is offered by this ultimate food.
Drinking carrot juice during summer acts as a great natural sun block. You can feel that the skin is being moisturized and the even the skin tone. It also prevents acne, blemishes and pigmentation.
Plus, carrots make the skin healthy-looking and vibrant. You can also apply this directly on your skin. Just make a simple face mask and see the effect of a glowing skin. For a better result, combine two tablespoons of grated carrots with a little honey and put on the face and neck area. Let it dry, and then rinse it off with warm water.
7] Endorses Digestive Health
Carrots help maintain good digestive health. Yes, in fact, this is best achieved when eaten raw. Because of the fiber added to the bulk of stools, it stimulates peristaltic motion and the discharge of gastric juices.
When you regularly consume carrots, bowel movement becomes regular. It prevents constipation. Most of all, it helps protect your colon and decrease potential of various stomach illnesses.
8] Carrots help Prevents Stroke
Scientist from Harvard University conducted a research which shows that people who consume carrots daily have lower potential to acquire stroke by 68% than those who eat less often.
In fact, eating a carrot daily can reduce the risk of stroke by 68%. This is because of the high level of beta-carotene found in carrots. Eat carrots at least 5 times a week and you’ll have lower chances of stroke.
9] Controls Blood Sugar
High sugar content can be found in carrots. But for those who are diabetic, this can be a perfect choice. Though carrots have a standing of a somewhat high glycemic index, except that they have a very low glycemic load.
Moreover, the carotenoids present in carrots aid regulate blood sugar. Carotenoids in reverse affect insulin resistance and therefore help lower blood sugar level. This is also balanced by the vital organic alkaline elements found in carrots.
10] Delays Aging Effects
Want to look young for years? Start eating carrots. With its ability to slow down cellular aging, it helps as a powerful anti-aging vegetable. Due to its high beta-carotene content, damage in the body due to regular metabolism is being delayed. Adding the vitamin C which aid collagen production. It prevents wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging. Just drink carrot juice daily and you will maintain your young looking appearance.
These are not the only benefits carrots offer. You will surely love the sweet taste, thus motivating you to eat more. This can be taken as a juice, eaten raw or cooked.
- Curing Cancer with Carrots
January 4, 2017 Author: Ann Cameron - Foods That Fight Cancer - Carrots
AICR/WCRF. Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: A Global Perspective, 2018. - A Carrot a Day Keeps the Wrinkles Away. How to eat to age-proof your skin.
Susan McQuillan M.S., RDN Posted Jun 27, 2009 - Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging
Silke K. Schagen, Vasiliki A. Zampeli, Evgenia Makrantonaki, and Christos C. Zouboulis
2012 Jul 1; 4(3): 298–307. doi: 10.4161/derm.22876 PMCID: PMC3583891 - Could carrots help prevent type 2 diabetes
- Dark, S., & Booth, V. (1946). Total carotenoids in carrots. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 36(3), 192-198. doi:10.1017/S0021859600012077 ,
- Lien Lemmens, Sandy Van Buggenhout, Indrawati Oey, Ann Van Loey, Marc Hendrickx,
Towards a better understanding of the relationship between the β-carotene in vitro bio-accessibility and pectin structural changes: A case study on carrots, Food Research International, Volume 42, Issue 9, 2009, Pages 1323-1330, ISSN 0963-9969, - Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C, What are the health benefits of carrots?
- Carrot Museum,(Health Benefits of Carrots) Carrots Nutrition and Good Health – Part 3 – Medicinal Uses
Check out the Filipino Recipes with lots of Carrots in its ingredients:
- 1] Carrot Yema Balls Recipe
- 2] Carrot Apple Juice Recipe
- 3] Carrot Cake Recipe
- 4] Carrot Cupcakes Recipe
- 5] Picadillo Recipe
- 6] Chopsuey Recipe
- 7] Kalderetang Baka Recipe
- 8] Chicken Afritada Recipe
- 9] Chicken Curry Recipe
Health Benefits of other Fruits and Vegetables:
- 1] Top 6 Health Benefits of Batuan / Batwan Fruit
- 2] Top 10 Health Benefits of Guava Fruit
- 3] Top 10 Health Benefits of Mango Fruit
- 4] Top 10 Health Benefits of Broccoli
5] Top 10 Health Benefits of Guyabano Fruit
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Leslie Crosbie says
I knew that carrots are good for you but I didnt know just how good!!
I still prefer eating them uncooked though!!
Amber Ludwig says
Oooh I never knew all of these!! I only knew the vision one!!
Pinoy Recipe at Iba Pa on Youtube says
I had no idea carrots helped with blood pressure. Definitely have to eat more carrots.
Kimberly Flickinger says
I love carrots, always include them in my salads. I never knew there were so man benefits to eating carrots. Thank you for sharing.
Calvin F. says
They are affordable and very good for me, so why wouldn't I eat carrots ๐
Deborah D says
I always knew that carrots were healthy for you but I never knew just how healthy until now.
sheila ressel says
Looking at all of these great benefits I realize I need to be eating more carrots. Thanks for this!
Lauryn R says
Carrots are amazing! Luckily my whole family loves them, and there are so many ways to eat them! ๐
Lisa Coomer Queen says
This was great! I didn't know carrots were so good for you! Thanks!
Jo-Ann Brightman says
I love carrots and knew that they can aid vision, but did not know many of the other health benefits. Thanks for this info.
dina eighties says
i like carrots thanks for the useful information
Ronald Gagnon says
Your post contains so many important facts I never it Fights Cardiovascular Diseases, and fights cancer...thank you
michele says
I knew that carrots were good for us but I did not know all these facts.. Thank you for the info...
clojo9372 says
I always knew that carrots were supposed to help your vision but I didn't know these other facts! I guess I will have to eat them more. Just steamed though, I can't stand them raw... lol. ๐
Syn says
Wow, I never realized how beneficial carrots were. This is such a huge revelation for me - especially the benefit of improving eye vision and inproving oral health. Thank you!
Zoey says
I love carrots - one of my favorite veggies!
katie says
I love carrots used in all sorts of recipes and so glad my toddler has come around to eating carrots too because they're so good for you!
Heather Robertson says
Who knew carrots did so much?!! Thanks for posting.
roselle says
Carrots are really helpful to fight diseases.