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Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by Ed Joven
Learn the Health Benefits of Eggplant and some Recipes
Health Benefits of Eggplant - There are a number of Eggplant varieties used throughout the world, and they are included in cuisines in many different ways. When you cut Eggplant open, you'll find meaty white flesh, maybe with a hint of green or yellow, dotted with small clusters of beige seeds. If the inside is brown, the Eggplant has gone bad, and you can throw it away. It has the consistency of tomato, in terms of texture and density, and it is a perfect addition to soups, stews, sauces, as well as a stand-alone item in many dishes.
The best part about Eggplant, it is not only a flavorful and delicious addition to many meals, but also a massively healthy vegetable that can help you live a healthier and happier life.
Here are some of the Healthy benefits Eggplant can offer.
1] Promotes Cardiovascular Health
The eggplant has a lot of fiber, phytonutrients and flavonoids; all of which are beneficial to one’s heart health. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, as cited by Megan Ware (2015), consumption of food rich in flavonoids can actually lower the risk of mortality from cardiovascular ailments.
2] Eggplant can prevent Diabetes
You can find only trace amounts of soluble carbohydrates and an abundance of fiber on Eggplants. It makes them perfect for the regulation and stabilization of glucose and insulin in the body. As a low-energy-dense food, you can eat eggplants without the fear of having your blood sugar spiking through the roof.
3] Helps to prevent Cancer
Packed with antioxidants, the eggplant has the ability to fight of free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells, which in turn could mutate and turn cancerous. Eggplants contain the rather unique antioxidant nasunin. According to Yasuko Noda of the University of California Berkley, as cited by Brian Dean (2013), the said antioxidant has been discovered to be effective in protecting brain cells from free radical damage. It should be noted, though, that the nasunin is embedded in the skin of the eggplant, thus it should be eaten and not be peeled away or charred, to attain the optimal health benefit of the antioxidant.
4] Promotes Weight Loss
The dietary fibre that the eggplant is dense, which helps with satiety. It makes us feel full; faster and for longer periods of time, thus we would be less likely to eat more throughout the day. That, coupled with the fact that the eggplant is low in calories, makes it the perfect food for people who are trying to manage their weight.
5] Improves Cognitive Function
As was mentioned earlier, the eggplant contains the antioxidant called nasunin, which was found to prevent damage to the cells of the brain. Furthermore, eggplants are also rich in phytonutrients which helps promote cognitive activity by increasing the flow of blood to the brain. The more blood is pumped into our brains, the more stimulated it is. Cognitive stimulation is paramount in maintaining brain health, and in boosting the brain’s retention and analytical functions.
6] Relieves Stress
The abundance of Vitamin B-6 in eggplants makes them perfect for stress relief, for this vitamin stimulates the body’s serotonin production. Serotonin is the hormone that is responsible for the regulation of mood and sleep. Eating food that is rich in this hormone can actually make you feel happier.
7] Aids in Good Digestion
Eggplants are teeming with dietary fibre, an essential catalyst for digestion. Dietary fibre is a staple of any well-balanced diet. The fibre found in vegetables such as the eggplant, aids bowel movement, thus promoting gastrointestinal health.
8] Helps with Hypertension
Eggplants can inhibit the propagation of Low-Density Lipoproteins or LDL cholesterol in the body. This type of cholesterol wreaks havoc in the body and can cause heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and even trigger strokes. Eggplants have Bioflavonoids, and it aids in the reduction of blood pressure.
9] Helps with Anemia
Eating eggplants is an effective way to combat anemia, given that these veggies are rich in Iron. Iron intake is integral to one’s health since they increase the number of red blood cells coursing through our veins.
10] Promotes Bone Health
Eggplants have a high iron and calcium content; nutrients that are essential for general bone health. Furthermore, the said vegetables are packed with Phenolic compounds. These are found in plants, and are an essential part of our diet. They are said to limit bone degradation, and decrease the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
- J E Blundell, V J Burley PMID: 3032831
Satiation, satiety and the action of fibre on food intake - Das S, Raychaudhuri U, Falchi M, Bertelli A, Braga PC, Das DK., Cardioprotective properties of raw and cooked eggplant (Solanum melongena L).,
- Uchida, K., Tomita, H., Takemori, T. and Takamura, H. (2017), Effects of Grilling on Total Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Journal of Food Science, 82: 202-207. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.13567
- Impact of Dietary Polyphenols on Carbohydrate Metabolism, Published online 2010 Mar 31. doi: 10.3390/ijms11041365
Kati Hanhineva, Riitta Törrönen, Isabel Bondia-Pons, Jenna Pekkinen, Marjukka Kolehmainen, Hannu Mykkänen, and Kaisa Poutanen - Roberto Lo Scalzo, Marta Fabiani, Giuseppe Mennella Giuseppe L. Rotino, Monica Dal Sasso, Maria Culiciโฅ, Alessandra Spallino, and Pier Carlo Braga, Thermal Treatment of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Increases the Antioxidant Content and the Inhibitory Effect on Human Neutrophil Burst, ( Eggplant Health benefits)
- Salerno, L., Modica, M. N., Pittalà, V., Romeo, G., Siracusa, M. A., Di Giacomo, C., Sorrenti, V., … Acquaviva, R. (2014). Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of microwave-assisted Solanum melongena extracts. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2014, 719486. doi: 10.1155/2014/719486
Eggplant Recipes
Eggplant has a rich, meaty inside that takes on a creamy consistency when you cook it. The hearty texture makes it a good stand-in for meat. Eggplant’s slightly bitter flavor and spongy texture can make it an interesting and tasty addition to many dishes.
Try the following recipes:
Ensaladang Talong Recipe

Rellenong Talong (Stuffed Eggplant)
Health Benefits of other Fruits and Vegetables:
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Deborah Cochran says
I have never tried eggplant mostly because I didn't know the healthy benefits and how to prepare/cook it. A co-worker eats it at least once a week as a snack and I never knew how flavorful it was!
jenn sparks says
Yes!! Real food is the real medicine. We can heal ourselves with real food. Thank you for the post.
Ram Asepta says
Thanks your info about the Eggplant Health Benefits. Now I that learned it has lot of benefits to our body, I'm gonna include more on this vegetable on my family's diet.
Natalie says
I had no idea that eggplant promotes weight loss!
Calvin F. says
Use it a lot in Chinese dishes. I always knew about most of the benefits, but I learned more today.
Arlene Mccurdy says
very educational,i never ate egg plants,thank you for the information,do you have recipes how to cook eggplants?
Jodi Watson says
Thank you for this info..I have never tried adding eggplant to my cooking, but will definitely be looking to do so now! ๐